
Property Owners Choice

If you own a property in France then like us you have more than likely thought about the possibilities of earning income through renting your property out, this income can provide the security of knowing that the habitation tax and land tax are covered, electricity and water rates are paid without the worries of having two living cost supported from your income at home. 

If you do not want to rent your property out then let us maximise the leisure time you have at your property by doing all the things that take your time when you first arrive. 

Our Mission

As a registered "Gardien de Propriété" we can offer the full services shown on this site, the principle behind it comes from the experiences and real life situations we have had since owing a property in France. We are convinced that the advantages to all property owners will allow income to be achieved, whilst at the same time improving the overall standard and live ability of each and every property.

When owning a property in France, you will have more than likely experienced the same difficulties we have with keeping the property maintained inside and out, keeping a presentable garden, even a well cultivated one whilst you are not there, making sure that everything you want is how you like it when you arrive or when you decide to rent it out ensuring that the change over goes smoothly with no fuss.

In fact the biggest single reason why people fail to earn income from property away from home is their inability to ensure that the property is maintained presentable and cleaned between letting's when the guests arrive.

Company Profile

In August 2005 my family and I moved to France from the UK. I also run a small Maintenance Company, where I have been supplying my skills as an experienced Electrician and Plumber to cover my local area in Rural Indre department 36 Please feel free to visit my website by clicking on the following link. 

Andy Firkins Maintenance Services

We have come up with one of the simplest solutions that gives you the owner total flexibility as the owner with the ideal opportunity to earn income to cover the cost of running your home in France and earning an income from it. You have a few options which greatly depend on how you use your home in France, being a small company which is run by a family with a diverse knowledge base, we can offer everything from a key holding service to a managed property.

Contact Information 

Telephone Mobile

+33 (0)668728023

Postal address

2 La Boutellerie 36140 AIGURANDE France

Electronic mail

Copyright © 2024 Property Owners Choice

Last modified: 17/05/2024

Andy Firkins Maintenance services SIRET: 487551467 00011